DJSquad574 much awaited Mixtape “Strictly Blendz Vol 1” will sent you into a relaxed, dance frenzy. It’s the type of mixtape you can pop in the car and crew around with or heat up that house party. And, we can’t forget that club scene the mixture of artists and beats will keep the dance floor pack.

Darealdjsquad574 who is putting South Bend,Indiana (574) on the Musical Map.. #StrictlyBlendz ft @KcaneMarkco @Black_Nrc @Future1 @DrummaBoy @ChrisBrown – by: #NerveDjs own @DjSquad574

Check it out here:

Manish Po, NuOrderEnt, Black  via @DatPiff by @DjSquad574 himself! #YoungestNerveDJ The wait is over #Salute

Checkout DJSquad574 video speaking on the release of his mixtape and what to expect.

Then, check him out on the NERVEDJs website, don’t worry you can listen and comment without registering if you’re not a DJ.

nerve logo 2012

There are many ways to find and listen to DarealDjSquad574 mixtape. And, yes we did say he’s the youngest NerveDJs at the age of 15 years old. So, why not come take a listen to something positive. This young man has chosen to inspire his peers by showing them it’s move to this thing called life if you just keep the course!

Leaving the street corners, thieving, gang banging, and illegal activities to the birds. If you’re looking for DJSquad574 you can find him in the studio, Dj booth, or on the social medias networking.

To follow, support, and see what else this young  DJ is up to checkout: